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Jun 25, 2009

Pig Brains - Ultimate Zombie Food

I love bad food. I don't know why, but the worst the better for me. Here are some of my favorites, plus a ultimate new entry.

Jimmy Dean Flapsticks: This lovely item is basically a hot dog wrapped in pancake and sprinkled with chocolate chips. What could be better for breakfast?

The worst burger goes to Carl's Jr. Double Six Dollar Burger. Only 1,520 calories and 111 grams of fat. Figure the average guys needs around 2,000 calories and about 40 grams of fat, you get about a two days of food from just this one burger.

Worst appetizer goes to the Australians ... it is the authentic Sydney special, Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing. This wonderful item has 2,900 calories, 182 grams of fat and 240 grams of carbs. As "Eat This, Not That" puts it. "
This weapon of mass construction is the caloric equivalent of eating 14 Krispy Kreme doughnuts, before your dinner arrives." - Awesome.

But nothing beats this wholesome food item, I came across at the Consumerist. It's yummy pig brains in milk gravy. Not only does it break every Kosher rule in the book, it has a whopping 3,500 mg of cholesterol and 550 mg of sodium. It's like a stroke in a can.


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I'm a designer and a writer, but rarely design what I write. I like games - all kinds of games and have always made money at everything my father said was a waste of time.


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