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Kmuzu Gallery

Kmuzu Gallery


May 13, 2008

Studio Kmuzu

This is where I do most of my painting. I got the shelf at Home Depot and it fits the paints perfectly. I found the easel at Sam's Club for fifty dollars. I buy most of my paints at Dick Blick or Michael's. My favorite paints are Jo Sonja and Windsor & Newton. Both paints have a smooth consistency and mix well with different paints and mediums.

I mostly work in acrylic and ink. I am starting to use oil, but it has a whole different feel and look. I also been experimenting with different mediums like burlap and wood.

I am currently working on a pop art bowling piece. Seen in the picture. I have something for pop art. Especially common items like refrigerators, stoves, toasters and other appliances.



About Me

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I'm a designer and a writer, but rarely design what I write. I like games - all kinds of games and have always made money at everything my father said was a waste of time.


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