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Kmuzu Gallery


Jun 14, 2008

Not Much

I am not much of a philosopher, but here it goes. Momentum is the essence of life. It is the small kinetic energy of each step and gesture. It builds and builds until it changes the world. If you don't know where to go or what to do. Turn yourself in a direction and move. Just the movement itself changes life and if you're not careful your feet will carry the body away.

I don't know much about Andrew Bird. I saw one of his videos on a forgotten website and really liked it. In #45.3 Spare-Oh, he takes a stroll down a street in Montmartre, Paris. After a short introduction, it all starts with one step into an intersection. As he moves through the crowd, he plays his guitar and sings. Funny, that I'm not interested in the destination, but in the travel of the song. Before I know, I am far away from that first step.


About Me

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I'm a designer and a writer, but rarely design what I write. I like games - all kinds of games and have always made money at everything my father said was a waste of time.


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